Source code for sfftk.readers.survosreader


Ad hoc reader for SuRVoS segmentation files
import numbers

import h5py

[docs] class SuRVoSSegmentation(object): """A SuRVoS segmentation SuRVoS segmentations are based on integer annotations. To the best of my understanding no textual information is saved in segmentation. """ def __init__(self, fn, dataset='/data', mask_value=1): self._fn = fn self._dataset = dataset self._mask_value = mask_value self._labels = list() self._colours = list() self._names = list() with h5py.File(fn, 'r') as s: self._data = s[self._dataset][()].astype(int) if "label" in s[self._dataset].attrs: self._labels = list(map(int, s[self._dataset].attrs["label"])) else: self._labels = list(set(self._data.flatten().tolist())) if "colors" in s[self._dataset].attrs: self._colours = list(map(lambda c: c.decode('utf-8'), s[self._dataset].attrs["colors"])) if "names" in s[self._dataset].attrs: self._names = list(map(lambda n: n.decode('utf-8'), s[self._dataset].attrs["names"])) @property def data(self): """The underlying segmentation data""" return self._data @property def shape(self): """The shape of the segmentation volume""" return self._data.shape
[docs] def segment_ids(self): """Returns a frozenset of segment IDs""" return frozenset(self._labels)
@property def colours(self): """A list of ordered colours""" return self._colours @property def names(self): """A list of ordered names""" return self._names @property def labels(self): """A list of labels used""" return self._labels def __getitem__(self, item): """Get the segment by segment ID The segment will have all segment voxels marked with mask_value (default is 1) """ try: assert isinstance(item, numbers.Integral) except AssertionError: raise ValueError("invalid type for segment_id: {}".format(type(item))) try: assert item in self.segment_ids() except AssertionError: raise IndexError("segment_id = {}".format(item)) return (self._data == item) * self._mask_value
[docs] def get_data(fn, *args, **kwargs): """Main entry point for reader We need to return an object with a handle on the segments: - each segment is a 3D volume with only that segments voxel values retained - we reference each segment on the segmentation through an index-like interface e.g. s1 = Segmentation[1] returns the segmentation with annotation value of '1' .. code-block:: python s = SuRVoSSegmentation(fn) s.segment_ids() # returns a list of segment IDs s[s.segment_ids()[0] # gets the first segment """ return SuRVoSSegmentation(fn, *args, **kwargs)