Annotating EMDB-SFF Segmentations


Annotation of EMDB-SFF segmentations is the second core function of sfftk. Here we outline how to perform annotations of EMDB-SFF segmentations via the command-line.


Annotation is performed using the notes utility that is accessed with the notes subcommand.

sff notes
usage: sff notes [-h] EMDB-SFF annotation tools ...

The EMDB-SFF Annotation Toolkit

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Annotation tools:
  The EMDB-SFF Annotation Toolkit provides the following tools:

  EMDB-SFF annotation tools
    search              search for terms by labels
    list                list available annotations
    show                show an annotation by ID
    add                 add new annotations
    edit                edit existing annotations
    del                 delete existing annotations
    copy                copy notes across segments within the same EMDB-SFF file
    clear               clear notes in an EMDB-SFF file
    merge               merge notes from two EMDB-SFF files
    save                write all changes made since the last 'save' action
    trash               discard all changes made since the last the edit action (add, edit, del)

Annotation Levels: Global vs. Segment Notes

Annotations can be added at the segmentation (global) or individual segment level. sfftk distinguishes between both levels of annotations. Global notes are useful for terms that describe the segmentation as a whole such as the species, the tissue type, disease state and such global references. Segments notes refer to individual segments which may be constituted of multiple biological entities of interest. Given the segment relationship specified by parent_id to segment_id, a hierarchy of segments may also be annotated. Simply add notes to the segment whose ID you are targetting.

Operations: Find, View, Modify

There are three main operations that a user can perform using the notes subcommand.


Correspondingly, using the notes subcommand puts the user in one of three states: the FIND state, the VIEW state and the MODIFY state. These will be indicated by the colour of the text on the screen.

  • CYAN indicates the VIEW STATE i.e. that no modifications have been made to the EMDB-SFF file

  • YELLOW indicates the FIND STATE i.e. search for terms from OLS, and

  • GREEN indicates the MODIFY STATE i.e. that a file is currently being edited.


Viewing the contents of an EMDB-SFF file in the MODIFY STATE will also appear in green even if a view command is invoked.

The full listing of sub-subcommands organised by operation are:


  • search


  • list

  • show


  • add

  • edit

  • copy

  • clear

  • merge

  • del

  • save

  • trash

We will look at each of these in turn.

Quick Start

Finding Notes

The search sub-subcommand displays results from searching EMBL-EBI’s Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) by default. As described in States, the terminal text is coloured yellow.

sff notes search
sff notes search -h
sff notes search --help

display available options.

sff notes search
usage: sff notes search [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b]
                        [-R {ols,go,emdb,uniprot,pdb,europepmc,empiar}]
                        [--start START] [--rows ROWS] [-O ONTOLOGY] [-x] [-o]
                        [-L] [-l]

Search ontologies for annotation by text labels

positional arguments:
  search_term           the term to search; add quotes if spaces are included

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user
                        configs fail [default: False]
  -R {ols,go,emdb,uniprot,pdb,europepmc,empiar}, --resource {ols,go,emdb,uniprot,pdb,europepmc,empiar}
                        the resource to search for terms or accessions; other
                        valid options are ['ols', 'go', 'emdb', 'uniprot',
                        'pdb', 'europepmc', 'empiar'] [default: ols]
  --start START         start index [default: 1]
  --rows ROWS           number of rows [default: 10]

EBI Ontology Lookup Service (OLS):
  The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) is a repository for biomedical
  ontologies that aims to provide a single point of access to the latest
  ontology versions. You can use the following options to modify your search
  against OLS by ensuring that the -R/--resource flag is set to 'ols'

  -O ONTOLOGY, --ontology ONTOLOGY
                        the ontology to search [default: None]
  -x, --exact           exact matches? [default: False]
  -o, --obsoletes       include obsoletes? [default: False]
  -L, --list-ontologies
                        list available ontologies [default: False]
  -l, --short-list-ontologies
                        short list of available ontologies [default: False]

Specifying Search Terms

For single worded searches enter the term with or without quotes. Multi-word terms must be quoted to prevent splitting them.

# single word term
sff notes search mitochondria
sff notes search ‘mitochondria’
sff notes search “mitochondria”
# multi-word term
sff notes search ‘fragment mitochondria’

The search results are displayed as a table with the following columns:

  • index

  • label of the result term

  • resource

  • url refers to a link by which the term in the ontology may be accessed

  • accession of the result term

  • description is free text describing the term, and

Performing Exact Searches

Exact searches only return results matching the search term exactly.

sff notes search -x “<term>”
sff notes search --exact “<term>”

Including Obsolete Terms

Some terms are retired and are excluded by default. They can be included using the -o/--obsoletes flag.

sff notes search -o “<term>”
sff notes search --obsoletes “<term>”

Listing Available Ontologies

sff notes search -L “term”
sff notes search --list-ontologies “term”

By default this provides a multi-line result for each ontology consisting of the namespace (also called ID space), preferred prefix, title, description, homepage, the ontology ID, and version of the ontology.

Short Listing Of Available Ontologies

Alternatively, a simple table result can be displayed using the -l/--short-list-ontologies flag which displays only two columns: namespace and description.

sff notes search -l “term”
sff notes search --short-list-ontologies “term”

Traversing Searching Results

By default, sff notes search only shows the first page of results. Quite often, there will be more than one page of results. This will be evident from the last line of the results:

Showing: 1 to 10 of 139 results found

Specifying The Start Result

The user can specify the result index at which results should be displayed using the --start flag.

sff notes search -s 1 “<term>”
sff notes search --start 1 “<term>”

Specifying The Number Of Rows To Display

More results can be display using the --rows flag.

sff notes search -r 11 “<term>”
sff notes search --rows 11 “<term>”

Entering invalid values for --start and --rows raise ValueError exceptions.

Viewing Notes

sfftk includes utilities to view annotations (notes) included in EMDB-SFF files.

Listing All Notes

Listing all notes is performed by running

sff notes list
usage: sff notes list [-h] [-H] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-l] [-D] [-r] [-I] [-v] sff_file

List all available annotations present in an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H, --header          show EMDB-SFF header (global) attributes [default: False]
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user configs fail [default: False]
  -l, --long-format     only show segment ID and description (if present) [default: False]
  -D, --sort-by-name    sort listings by segment name [default: False (sorts by ID)]
  -r, --reverse         reverse the sort order [default: False]
  -I, --list-ids        only list the IDs for segments one per line [default: False]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

The sff notes list sub-command only lists a summary table of notes available for each segment.

sff notes list file.sff
sff notes list file.hff
sff notes list file.json

The default output is structured as follows:

Status information
Segment metatdata

Here is an example:

id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9764    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9814    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9815    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9840    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9859    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9893    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9897    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9911    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9914    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9952    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9955    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9956    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)

It has the following columns:

  • id: segment ID

  • par_idd: segment ID for the parent ID;

  • description: a descriptive name for the segment, which provides a useful starting point when searching for annotation terms;

  • #inst: the number of instances of the segment;

  • #ex_ref: the number of external references present;

  • colour: the colour of the segment in normalised RGBA.

where the first line provides some status information about the current listing. Status messages will become much more important when we look at modifying notes in EMDB-SFF files. Status messages begin with a timestamp. Following status messages is the EMDB-SFF header information which specifies the schema version, the name of the segmentation (‘STL Segmentation’), software information including processing details, the primary descriptor (meshList in this case) and additional details on this segmentation. A row asterisks then divides the metadata from the segment data where one row per segment provides the segment_id, parentID, description, number of instances, number of external references, number of complexes, number of macromolecules, and RGBA colour of the segment. When modifying notes these values change.

Long Format

To view the list of notes by segment in long format (much more detail) use the -l/--long-format flag. This can be done with or without the header (-H/--header flag).

sff notes list -l file.sff
sff notes list --long-format file.sff

having the same

Status information
Segment metatdata

structure except now that the Segment metadata section has much more detail.

ID:             9764
PARENT ID:      0
Segment Type:   three_d_volume
Number of instances:
External references:
      # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
     0: ogg                OGG_3000881348       Y Y
     1: ogg                OGG_3001198820       Y Y
     2: vo                     VO_0010998           Y Y
     3: vo                     VO_0011075           Y Y
     4: pdro                   VO_0010998           Y Y
     5: pdro                   VO_0011075           Y Y
     6: omit                 OMIT_0001676         Y Y
        (0.800000011920929, 0.959999978542328, 0.400000005960464, 1.0)
ID:             9814
PARENT ID:      0
Segment Type:   three_d_volume
Number of instances:
External references:
      # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
     0: ogg                OGG_3000881348       Y Y
     1: ogg                OGG_3001198820       Y Y
     2: vo                     VO_0010998           Y Y
     3: vo                     VO_0011075           Y Y
     4: pdro                   VO_0010998           Y Y
     5: pdro                   VO_0011075           Y Y
     6: omit                 OMIT_0001676         Y Y
        (0.800000011920929, 0.479999989271164, 0.879999995231628, 1.0)
... truncated ...

Including Segmentation Metadata

By default, segmentation metadata (name, software, global notes, file path, details) are not included when listing or showing notes. The -H/--header flag includes this.

sff notes list -H file.sff
sff notes list --header file.sff

The output has the following structure:

Status information
EMDB-SFF metadata
Segment metatdata

And here’s an example:

EMDB-SFF v.0.8.0.dev1
Segmentation name:
        Segger Segmentation
Segmentation software:
        0 segger/2

Primary descriptor [three_d_volume|mesh_list|shape_primitive_list]:

Bounding box (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax):
        (0.0, None, 0.0, None, 0.0, None)
Global external references: (L = label present; D = description present)
          # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
         0: ncit                  NCIT_C14206          Y Y
         1: dron                DRON_00018778        Y Y
         2: omit                 OMIT_0006157         Y Y
         3: ncbitaxon             NCBITaxon_562        Y Y
Segmentation details:
        -*- NOT DEFINED -*-
id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9764    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9814    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9815    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9840    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9859    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9893    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9897    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9911    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9914    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9952    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9955    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9956    0       GroEL::GroEL                                           1     7     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)

Sorting Notes By Description

Notes are sorted by the index (first column) by default. However, the user can sort notes by description (third column) using the -D/--sort-by-description flag.

sff notes list -D file.json
sff notes list --sort-by-description file.json
id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9764    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9814    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9815    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9840    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9859    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9893    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9897    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9911    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9914    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9952    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9955    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9956    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)


id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9840    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9914    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9814    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9956    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9764    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9955    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9893    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9897    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9815    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9952    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9859    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9911    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)

Note that descriptions longer than 40 characters are truncated and terminated with an ellipsis (...) but the full description is visible in long format.

Reverse Sorting

Alternative, sorting can be reversed using the -r/--reverse flag. This applies to both sorting by index or by description.

Reverse sorting by index:

sff notes list -r file.json
sff notes list --reverse file.json

For the above, this becomes:

id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9956    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9955    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9952    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9914    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9911    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9897    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9893    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9859    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9840    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9815    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9814    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9764    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)

Reverse sorting by description

sff notes list -r -D file.json
sff notes list --reverse --sort-by-description file.json

leading to

id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9859    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9911    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)
9815    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9952    0       MCM6::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (1.0, 0.412, 0.706, 1.0)
9893    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9897    0       MCM5::Minichromosome maintenance prot...               1     2     (0.0, 0.84, 0.76, 1.0)
9764    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9955    0       MCM4::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.96, 0.4, 1.0)
9814    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9956    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9840    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)
9914    0       MCM2::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.16, 0.84, 0.48, 1.0)

Viewing Segment IDs Only

To view the segment IDs only write:

sff notes list -I file.sff

which are sorted in ascending order. These can be reversed using the -r/--reverse flag.

sff notes list -I -r file.sff

Showing Notes In One Or More Segments

To show annotations relating to one or several (or all) segments type

sff notes show
usage: sff notes show [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-H] [-l] [-v] [-i SEGMENT_ID] sff_file

Show a specific annotations by ID present in an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user configs fail [default: False]
  -H, --header          show EMDB-SFF header (global) attributes [default: False]
  -l, --long-format     only show segment ID and description (if present) [default: False]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        refer to a segment by its ID; pass more than one ID as a comma-separated list with no spaces e.g. 'id1,id2,...,idN'

As describe in `States <#states-find-view-modify>`__, the teminal text colour
when viewing is **WHITE**.

Listing notes from EMDB-SFF files with many segments could clutter the screen.
The user can switch between listing all segments to finding segment IDs of
interest then displaying one or more segments of interest using the ``sff
notes show`` sub-subcommand. Therefore, this takes an extra parameter
``-i/--segment-id`` which takes either one ID or a sequence of IDs separated
only by commas (``,``).

Show one segment:

sff notes show -i <int> file.json
sff notes show --segment-id <int> file.json

For more than one:

sff notes show -i <int>,<int>,<int> file.json
sff notes show --segment-id <int>,<int>,<int> file.json


id      par_id  name::description                                  #inst #ext_ref           colour
9814    0       MCM3::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2     (0.8, 0.48, 0.88, 1.0)
9911    0       MCM7::DNA replication licensing facto...               1     2    (0.92, 0.84, 0.96, 1.0)

Note that there are NO SPACES between the sequence of segment IDs. As with listing notes, the user can show notes in long format using the -l/--long-format flag.

sff notes show -i <int> -l file.json
sff notes --segment-id <int> --long-format file.json


ID:             9814
PARENT ID:      0
Segment Type:   None
        DNA replication licensing factor MCM3
Number of instances:
External references:
      # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
     0: pr                      PR_P24279            Y Y
     1: uniprot                    P24279               Y Y
        (0.800000011920929, 0.479999989271164, 0.879999995231628, 1.0)
ID:             9911
PARENT ID:      0
Segment Type:   None
        DNA replication licensing factor MCM7
Number of instances:
External references:
      # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
     0: pr                      PR_P38132            Y Y
     1: uniprot                    P38132               Y Y
        (0.920000016689301, 0.839999973773956, 0.959999978542328, 1.0)

Viewing Segmentation Metadata Only

As specified for sff notes list, using the -H/--header flag with sff notes show will display the header (segmentation metadata) only.

sff notes show -H file.json
sff notes show --header file.json


EMDB-SFF v.0.8.0.dev1
Segmentation name:
        Segger Segmentation
Segmentation software:
        0 segger/2
        proc/det: watershed algorithm applied
        1 Amira/2019.1
        proc/det: mesh computed over the surface
        2 IMOD/v3.8
        proc/det: mesh reduction and cleaning

Primary descriptor [three_d_volume|mesh_list|shape_primitive_list]:

Bounding box (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax):
        (0.0, None, 0.0, None, 0.0, None)
Global external references: (L = label present; D = description present)
          # resource         url                                                      accession            L D
         0: ncbitaxon          NCBITaxon_559292     Y Y
         1: pdb                     3ja8                 Y Y
Segmentation details:
        DNA replication in eukaryotes is strictly regulated by several mechanisms. A central step in this
replication is the assembly of the heterohexameric minichromosome maintenance (MCM2-7) helicase complex at
replication origins during G1 phase as an inactive double hexamer. Here, using cryo-electron microscopy, we
report a near-atomic structure of the MCM2-7 double hexamer purified from yeast G1 chromatin. Our structure
shows that two single hexamers, arranged in a tilted and twisted fashion through interdigitated amino-terminal
domain interactions, form a kinked central channel. Four constricted rings consisting of conserved interior
β-hairpins from the two single hexamers create a narrow passageway that tightly fits duplex DNA. This narrow
passageway, reinforced by the offset of the two single hexamers at the double hexamer interface, is flanked by
two pairs of gate-forming subunits, MCM2 and MCM5. These unusual features of the twisted and tilted single
hexamers suggest a concerted mechanism for the melting of origin DNA that requires structural deformation of
the intervening DNA.

Modifying Notes

Modifying notes is slightly more complicated than the read-only activities of finding and viewing described above. It involves making changes to the annotation sections (biological_annotation: name, description, number_of_instances, and external_references) as well as the transform list of the segmentation and individual segments of interest.

Temporary File

In order to avoid destroying the EMDB-SFF file to be modified, sfftk makes a temporary copy to be used throughout the modification process. Once the user is satisfied with the annotation the temporary file should be saved. Alternatively, the user can discard all changes by trashing the annotations in the temporary file then starting again.


A Note About EMDB-SFF Formats

Any EMDB-SFF format (XML, HDF5, JSON) may be used for the temporary file. However, JSON is preferred because of the absence of geometrical data. XML and HDF5 can have voluminous geometrical data which can make the process of modifying an EMDB-SFF very slow.

The default format used is JSON.

You can modify the name and format of the temporary file using the config command to modify the __TEMP_FILE option.

~$ sff config get __TEMP_FILE
Mon Jan 22 16:49:59 2018    Reading configs from /Users/pkorir/.sfftk/sff.conf
Mon Jan 22 16:49:59 2018    Getting config __TEMP_FILE...

to view current settings. As for convert, the extension of the temporary file determines the output form.

~$ sff config set __TEMP_FILE ./my-annotations.json
Mon Jan 22 16:49:27 2018    Reading configs from /Users/pkorir/.sfftk/sff.conf
Mon Jan 22 16:49:27 2018    Setting config __TEMP_FILE to value ./my-annotations.json...
~$ sff config get -all
Mon Jan 22 16:49:31 2018    Reading configs from /Users/pkorir/.sfftk/sff.conf
Mon Jan 22 16:49:31 2018    Listing all 3 configs...
__TEMP_FILE          = ./my-annotations.json
__TEMP_FILE_REF      = @
NAME                 = VALUE

Temporary File Shorthand

Once the user has entered the MODIFY state (by either running one of sff notes [add|edit|del|copy|clear|merge]) the user can refer to the temporary file using a shorthand specified in the configs.

The default shorthand is the ‘at’ symbol (@).

# add a description (assuming none exists)
sff notes add -i 1 -n 'a name' -d ‘some description’ file.sff
# user is now in MODIFY state
sff notes edit -i 1 -n 'another name' -d ‘another description’ @

This is useful if the file has a long name or is at a distant path.

sff notes add -i 1 -d ‘some description’ tomo_5_diff_change_3.3_pi_77_27_paul_publishes.json
sff notes edit -i 1 -d ‘another description’ @


sff notes add -i 1 -d ‘some description’ ~/experiments/files/tomograms/zebra_fish_20170312/masks_repeat_19_3.3_relion_2.0.json
sff notes edit -i 1 -d ‘some description’ @

The attentive reader will have noticed the option __TEMP_FILE_REF above. Indeed this variable specifies the temporary file shorthand and can be modifed as above.

Modify Sequence

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of steps to be carried out during modification. The names of the sub-subcommand next to arrows showing the modification that occurs.


Annotations may be added either to the segmentation (global) or to individual segments.

At the segmentation level one may add:

  • the name of the segmentation;

  • a list of the segmentation software used each having a:

    • name

    • version

    • processing_details

  • a list of transforms;

  • the segmentation’s details (description)

  • a list of global external references.

At the segment level there are several types of annotations that can be made:

  • the segment name;

  • the segment description;

  • the number of instances of the segment;

  • external references available in public archives

Adding Notes

Adding Global Notes (Segmentation)

Global notes are added using the sff notes add sub-command. The following flags modify segmentation metadata and global external references:

  • -N/--name: the name of the segmentation as a whole;

  • -S/--software-name: the name of the software program that produced the segmentation;

  • -T/--software-version: the version of the software used;

  • -P/--software-processing-details: a quoted string outlining the processing details by which the segmentation was obtained;

  • -X/--transform: a sequence of 12 floating points values specifying a transform; the first transform is designated the image-to-physical transform and is assumed to be how the segmentation gets projected into physical space during visualisation and analysis;

  • -D/--details: a quoted string of additional details pertaining to this segmentation;

  • -E/--external-ref for global or segment external references;

Each of the above will be demonstrated. The examples demonstrate the notes state before entering the MODIFY STATE (explicitly specifying the filename) and after entering the MODIFY STATE (using file shorthand e.g. @ used).

Here’s the help output for sff notes add:

sff notes add
usage: sff notes add [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b]
                     [-E EXTERNAL_REF EXTERNAL_REF EXTERNAL_REF] [-v]
                     [-N NAME] [-S SOFTWARE_NAME] [-T SOFTWARE_VERSION]
                     [-P SOFTWARE_PROCESSING_DETAILS]
                     [-D DETAILS] [-i SEGMENT_ID] [-n SEGMENT_NAME]
                     [-d DESCRIPTION] [-I NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES]

Add a new annotation to an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user
                        configs fail [default: False]
                        An external reference consists of three components:
                        the name of the external reference, a URL to the
                        particular external reference and the accession. If
                        you use the sff notes search utility these will
                        correspond to the resource, url and accession. The
                        following is a list of valid external references: ols,
                        go, emdb, uniprot, pdb, europepmc, empiar. You can
                        also specify multiple external reference arguments
                        e.g. sff notes add -i <int> -E r11 r12 r13 -E r21 r22
                        r23 file.json
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

add global notes:
  add global attributes to an EMDB-SFF file

  -N NAME, --name NAME  the segmentation name
                        the name of the software used to create the
                        the version of software used to create the
                        details of how the segmentation was processed
                        twelve (12) floats to specify the 3x4 matrix; rows
  -D DETAILS, --details DETAILS
                        populates <details>...</details> in the XML file

add segment notes:
  add attributes to a single segment in an EMDB-SFF file

  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        refer to a segment by its ID
  -n SEGMENT_NAME, --segment-name SEGMENT_NAME
                        the name of the segment
                        the description
                        the number of instances
Adding A Segmentation Name

To be on the safe side use a quoted string to accommodate spaces. However, for single word values no quotes are required.

# general
sff notes add -N "My Best Segmentation" file.json   # not in MODIFY state yet
sff notes add --name "My Worst Segmentation" @              # already in MODIFY state
# single word
sff notes add -N Mitochondria file.json
Adding The Software

The list of software applications may be extended using either -S/--software-name, -T/--software-version or -P/--software-processing-details. Any call to sff notes add with any one of these three arguments will result in a new software entity added to the list. If you would like to modify the list of software entities in the list use sff notes edit or sff notes del as outlined below.

sff notes add -S IMOD -T v4.2.9 -P "contours defined" file.json # not in MODIFY state
sff notes add --software-name Amira --software-version 2019.1 @ # MODIFY state

Use quotes (single/double) to enter software processing details:

# not in MODIFY state
sff notes add -P "Density map was automatically segmented using the watershed algorithm on a HP Cluster with 200 nodes" file.json
# MODIFY state
sff notes add --software-processing-details "Threshold of 1.08" @
Add A Transform

To add a transform, use the -X/--transform argument followed by 12 floats. The 12 floats specify a 3x4 matrix with the first 3x3 elements specifying scale and rotation parameters and the last column specifying translation parameters. The values are entered from top-left to bottom-right.

# not in MODIFY state
# scale the segmentation by 2.0 then translated to (10.0, 20.0, 30.0)
sff notes add -X 2.0 0 0 10.0 0 2.0 0 20.0 0 0 2.0 30.0 file.json
# in MODIFY state
sff notes add -X 2.0 0 0 10.0 0 2.0 0 20.0 0 0 2.0 30.0 @

If the transform is implied by an MRC-like file then the output of sff view --transform --print-ssv will provide the 12 floats which can be embedded into the sff notes add -X call as shown below.

# note the backticks
sff notes add -X `sff view --transform --print-ssv` file.json
Adding Segmentation Details
# not in MODIFY state
sff notes add -D "Specimen was irradiated with 5 lux of light then imaged vertically" file.json
# MODIFY state
sff notes add --details "All imaging was done at 17 K" @
Adding An External Reference (Global Or Segment)

The external references flag (-E/--external-ref) takes three arguments:

  • the resource name where the reference may be found;

  • the permanent URL where more details may be found;

  • the accession code for the reference.

You can use multiple -E/--external-ref flags at once.

All of these may be obtained either from the OLS website of using the output of sff notes search ‘<term>’.

For example, suppose we ran

sff notes search 'mitochondria'

and obtain the following results:


and are interested in adding the second result as an external reference to a segment. We note down the resource (go), url ( and the accession (GO:0005739) then use the following command:

# -E <resource> <url> <accession>
sff notes add -E go GO:0005739 file.json

More examples:

# global (segmentation) notes
# not in MODIFY state
sff notes add -E ncbitaxon NCBITaxon_559292 file.json
# MODIFY state
# more than one reference
sff notes add -E ncbitaxon NCBITaxon_559292 -E pdb 3ja8 @

Adding Segment Notes

Notes are added using the sff notes add sub-subcommand but specifying the segment by ID using the -i/--segment-id argument.

sff notes add -i <segment_id> [options] file.json
Adding A Segment Name

The -n/--segment-name flag takes a single argument or quoted string to name the segment.

sff notes add -i 9911 -n "Top-most segment" file.sff
sff notes add -i 9911 --segment-name "Top-most segment" file.sff
Adding A Segment Description

Use the -d/--description flag to add a description. Multi-word descriptions will need to be quoted.

sff notes add -i 9911 -d 'a very good description' file.sff
sff notes add --segment-id 9911 --description 'a very good description' file.sff
Adding The Number of Instances
sff notes add -i 9911 -I <int> file.json
sff notes add --segment-id 9911 --number-of-instances <int> file.json
Adding External References
sff notes add -i 9911 -E <resource> <url> <accession> file.json

or several at once using multiple -E/--external-ref flags:

sff notes add -i 9911 -E <resource> <url> <accession> -E <resource> <url> <accession> -E <resource> <url> <accession>file.json
# per-segment notes
sff notes add -i 9911 -E go GO:0005739 file.json
sff notes add -i 9911 --external-ref go GO:0005739 file.json

Editing Notes

Editing Global Notes (Segmentation)

Editing global notes is straightforward and works exactly like adding notes for all items of metadata except external references. Where the entity to be modified is not a list, one can use add and edit interchangeably for name, segment name, segment description, number of instances and details.

sff notes edit
usage: sff notes edit [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-e EXTERNAL_REF_ID]
                  [-N NAME] [-s SOFTWARE_ID] [-S SOFTWARE_NAME]
                  [-x TRANSFORM_ID]
                  [-D DETAILS] [-i SEGMENT_ID] [-n SEGMENT_NAME]
                  [-d DESCRIPTION] [-I NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES]

Edit an existing annotation to an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user
                        configs fail [default: False]
  -e EXTERNAL_REF_ID, --external-ref-id EXTERNAL_REF_ID
                        the external reference ID as shown with the 'list'
                        An external reference consists of three components:
                        the name of the external reference, a URL to the
                        particular external reference and the accession. If
                        you use the sff notes search utility these will
                        correspond to the resource, url and accession. The
                        following is a list of valid external references: ols,
                        go, emdb, uniprot, pdb, europepmc, empiar. You can
                        also specify multiple external reference arguments
                        e.g. sff notes add -i <int> -E r11 r12 r13 -E r21 r22
                        r23 file.json
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

edit global notes:
  edit global attributes to an EMDB-SFF file

  -N NAME, --name NAME  the segmentation name
  -s SOFTWARE_ID, --software-id SOFTWARE_ID
                        the software to edit
                        the name of the software used to create the
                        the version of software used to create the
                        details of how the segmentation was processed
  -x TRANSFORM_ID, --transform-id TRANSFORM_ID
                        the transform ID to edit
                        twelve (12) floats to specify the 3x4 matrix; rows
  -D DETAILS, --details DETAILS
                        populates <details>...</details> in the XML file

edit segment notes:
  edit attributes to a single segment in an EMDB-SFF file

  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        refer to a segment by its ID
  -n SEGMENT_NAME, --segment-name SEGMENT_NAME
                        the name of the segment
                        the description
                        the number of instances
Editing External References

As we will see shortly, an extra argument is needed to specify the external reference to be edited (-e/--external-ref-id).

sff notes edit -e <ref_id> -E <resource> <url> <accession> file.json

Specifying sff notes edit -e 0 -E <resource> <url> <accession> file.json when there are no external references is equivalent to using sff notes add -E <resource> <url> <accession> file.json.

Editing Software and Transforms

Just as with editing external references, when editing software and transforms, we must identify the particular item to be edited. This is achieved with an ID for the particular item.

To edit a particular software item, use the -s/--software-id. The -x/--transform-id will accomplish the same result for software.

# edit the name of the software for the first item (item ``0``)
sff notes edit -s 0 -S <new-name> file.json
# edit the third transform (id: ``2``)
sff notes edit -x 2 -X <12 floats> file.json

Editing Segment Notes

If a segment in an EMDB-SFF file already contains notes then we can edit the notes using the sff notes edit sub-subcommand. Because some edit options will need to refer to specific entries (e.g. the third external reference) extra arguments are required to specify which item is being edited.

Editing A Segment Name
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -n <name> file.json
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> --segment-name <name> @ # if editing a just-added name
Editing A Description
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -d ‘<description>’ file.json
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -d ‘<description>’ @ # if editing a just-added description
Editing The Number of Instances
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -I <int> file.json
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -I <int> @ # if editing a just-added value
Editing An External Reference
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -e <extref_id> -E <ontology> <url> <obo_id> file.json
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> --external-ref-id <extref_id> -E <ontology> <url> <obo_id> file.json
# if editing a just-added description
sff notes edit -i <segment_id> -e <extref_id> -E <ontology> <url> <obo_id> @

Deleting Notes

Notes may be deleted using the sff notes del sub-subcommand.

Unlike when adding and editing, delete options take no arguments *except* when referring to listed metadata (external references, complexes and macromolecules).

sff notes del
usage: sff notes del [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-v] [-e EXTERNAL_REF_ID]
                 [-s SOFTWARE_ID] [-S] [-T] [-P] [-D] [-i SEGMENT_ID] [-n]
                 [-d] [-I] [-x TRANSFORM_ID]

Delete an existing annotation to an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and user
                        configs fail [default: False]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  -e EXTERNAL_REF_ID, --external-ref-id EXTERNAL_REF_ID
                        the external reference ID as shown with the 'list'

delete global notes:
  delete global attributes to an EMDB-SFF file

  -s SOFTWARE_ID, --software-id SOFTWARE_ID
                        the software(s) to delete; delete depends on whether
                        -S, -T and -P are specified (see below); if none are
                        specified then the whole software is deleted from the
  -S, --software-name   delete the software name for the specified software
                        id(s) [default: False]
  -T, --software-version
                        delete the software version for the specified software
                        id(s) [default: False]
  -P, --software-processing-details
                        delete the software processing details for the
                        specified software id(s) [default: False]
  -D, --details         delete the details [default: False]
  -x TRANSFORM_ID, --transform-id TRANSFORM_ID
                        the transforms(s) to delete

delete segment notes:
  delete attributes to a single segment in an EMDB-SFF file

  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        refer to a segment by its ID
  -n, --segment-name    delete the segment name [default: False]
  -d, --description     delete the description [default: False]
  -I, --number-of-instances
                        delete the number of instances [default: False]

Deleting Global Notes (Segmentation)

Deleting A Segmentation Name


It is not possible to delete the segmentation name as this a required attribute.

Deleting Software Details

The software item on the software list should be specified using -s/--software-id to perform a deletion. If none of -S/--software-name, -T/--software-version or -P/--software-processing-details is provided then the whole software item will be deleted. Otherwise, only the specified field will be deleted.

sff notes del -s <software_id> file.json

To delete the name of the software for one item use:

sff notes del -s <software_id> -S file.json
sff notes del -s <software_id> -S @

Similarly, to delete the version or processing details for a single software item use:

sff notes del -s <software_id> -T file.json
sff notes del -s <software_id> -T @
sff notes del -s <software_id> -P file.json
sff notes del -s <software_id> -P @

Any combination of the above will also work as expected:

sff notes del -s <id> -S -T file.json
Deleting Transforms

Similarly, deleting transforms only requires the correct transform id.

# delete the fourth transform (id: ``3``)
sff notes del -x 3 file.json
Deleting Details
sff notes del -D file.json
sff notes del -D @
Deleting External References
sff notes del -e <extref_id> file.json
sff notes del -e <extref_id> @

Deleting Segment Notes

Deleting The Segment Name
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -n file.json
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -n @

This will set the value to the default of 1.

Deleting A Description
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -d file.json
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -d @
Deleting The Number Of Instances
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -I file.json
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -I @
Deleting An External Reference
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -e <extref_id> file.json
Deleting A Complex (Internal Use)
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -c <comp_id> file.json
Deleting A Macromolecule (Internal Use)
sff notes del -i <segment_id> -m <macr_id> file.json

Copying Notes

Users may copy notes using the sff notes copy command.

Important points to remember:

  • Copying only makes use of external references - the segment description and number of instances are left intact.

  • It is currently not possible to select a subset of annotations (this will be added in a later release); all annotations are copied to the destination. However, individual annotations that are to be excluded after copying may be removed using the following sequence:

    1. view notes in the segment using

      sff notes show --long-format -i <id> file.json


      sff notes show -H file.json

      for global notes;

    2. delete specific notes using

      sff notes del <id1>,<id2>,...,<idN> file.json

For the complete set of options run:

sff notes copy
usage: sff notes copy [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-i SEGMENT_ID]
                      [--from-global | --to-global]
                      [-t TO_SEGMENT | --to-all]

Copy notes from one/multiple segment to one/multiple/all other
segments within the same EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and
                        user configs fail [default: False]
  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        segment ID or a comma-separated sequence of
                        segment IDs of source segment(s); run 'sff
                        notes list <file>' for a list of segment
  --from-global         copy notes from global (metadata) to --to-
                        segment segments
  --to-global           copy notes from --segment-id segment to
                        global (metadata)
  -t TO_SEGMENT, --to-segment TO_SEGMENT
                        segment ID or a comma-separated sequence of
                        segment IDs of destination segment(s); run
                        'sff notes list <file>' for a list of
                        segment IDs
  --to-all              copy notes from --segment-id segment to all
                        (other) segments

Source of Notes: One or More Segments

Copy Notes To Another
sff notes copy -i <source_segment_id> -t <dest_segment_id> file.json
Copy Notes To Multiple Segments
sff notes copy -i <source_segment_id> -t <id1>,<id2>,...,<idN> file.json
Copy Notes To All Other Segments
sff notes copy -i <source_segment_id> --to-all file.json

The source segment will be excluded in the destination segments.

Copy Notes To Global External References
sff notes copy -i <source_segment_id> --to-global file.json
Source of Notes: Global External References
Copy Notes To One Segment
sff notes copy --from-global -t <id> file.json
Copy Notes To Multiple Segments
sff notes copy --from-global -t <id1>,<id2>,...,<idN> file.json
Copy Notes To All Segments
sff notes copy --from-global --to-all file.json

Clearing Notes

The sff notes clear utility removes all notes from one or more segments or clears global external references. As always we can view the full list of options:

sff notes clear
usage: sff notes clear [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] [-v] [--all]
                       [-i SEGMENT_ID | --from-all-segments]

Clear all notes for one or more segments in an EMDB-SFF file

positional arguments:
  sff_file              path (rel/abs) to an EMDB-SFF file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and
                        user configs fail [default: False]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  --all                 clear all notes; USE WITH CARE!
  --from-global         clear notes from global (metadata)
  -i SEGMENT_ID, --segment-id SEGMENT_ID
                        segment ID or a comma-separated sequence of
                        segment IDs of source segment(s); run 'sff
                        notes list <file>' for a list of segment
  --from-all-segments   clear notes from all segments

Clearing Segment Notes

One Segment
sff notes clear -i <segment_id> file.json
Multiple Segments
sff notes clear -i <id1>,<id2>,...,<idN> file.json
All Segments
sff notes clear --from-all-segments file.json

Clearing Global External References

sff notes clear --from-global file.json

Clearing All Notes

This command clears both global and segment-level notes. Use it with care.

sff notes clear --all file.json

However, given that modification happens on a temporary file, clearing all notes is reversible provided sff notes save file.json is not run.

# restore to status before beginning the current modify session
sff notes trash @

It is advisable to constantly save instead of only at the end of the annotation.

Merging Notes

Notes can be manually merged from two EMDB-SFF files using sff notes merge.

sff notes merge
usage: sff notes merge [-h] [-p CONFIG_PATH] [-b] --source SOURCE
                       [-o OUTPUT] [-v]

Merge notes from two EMDB-SFF files

positional arguments:
  other                 EMDB-SFF file whose content will be merged
                        with notes from the file specified with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CONFIG_PATH, --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        path to configs file
  -b, --shipped-configs
                        use shipped configs only if config path and
                        user configs fail [default: False]
  --source SOURCE       EMDB-SFF file from which to obtain notes
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        file to convert to; the extension (.sff,
                        .hff, .json) determines the output format;
                        if not specified then NOTES IN OTHER ONLY
                        will be overwritten [default: None]
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

Both files must refer to the exact same segmentation i.e. the number and IDs of segments must correspond (in cardinality and value).

To merge notes from one EMDB-SFF file to another the user must specify the source file using the --source argument. Any other file (a positional argument) will be treated as the destination.

Explicit Output

sff notes merge --source file.json file.sff -o file.hff

will produce an HDF5 file while file.sff will remain unchanged. As in all other cases, the output format is defined by the extension.

Implicit Output

In this case, the destination file is overwritten.

sff notes merge --source file.json file.sff

will produce an XML file (file.sff).

Saving Notes

It is important to periodically save notes. Running sff notes save save_to_file.json overwrites all notes from the temporary file into the destination file.


By overwrite we mean that the final result will be only from the temporary file. But this should not be a worry because the temporary file was a copy of the original file.

sff notes save save_to_file.json
sff notes save save_to_file.sff
sff notes save save_to_file.hff

Note that the file specified must exist and correspond to the annotated EMDB-SFF file.

Trashing Notes

Only one EMDB-SFF file per directory at a time may have its notes modified. This is because only one temporary file is created and an attempt to modify another file will raise a warning.

Wed Sep 13 12:55:42 2017 Temporary file shorthand to use: @
Wed Sep 13 12:55:42 2017 Found temp file ./temp-annotated.json. Either run 'save' or 'trash' to discard changes before working on another file.

The user can trash using the sff notes trash @ to reset the current directory to a VIEW STATE.

sff notes trash @
Wed Sep 13 12:56:18 2017 Discarding all changes made in temp file ./temp-annotated.json... Done

Configuration Settings

There are two main parameters that control the annotation process:

  • __TEMP_FILE sets the path and name of the file to be used as a temporary store of annotations while in the MODIFY STATE. The temporary file holds all modifications until they are saved. All actions done in the MODIFY STATE occur on this file so that any crashes will leave the original file unchanged. Depending on the format used it can significantly speed up viewing and modification of notes. By default it is a JSON file.

  • __TEMP_FILE_REF serves as a shorthand reference to the segmentation file. It can only be used in the MODIFY STATE. The default value is @. The use can use it to refer to the segmentation file instead of typing the full file path and name.