Source code for sfftk.readers.stlreader


Ad hoc reader for Stereolithography (STL) files

- Depends on the `numpy-stl` package

- Reads both ASCII and binary files
import os

from sfftkrw.core import _dict

__author__ = 'Paul K. Korir, PhD'
__email__ = ','
__date__ = '2016-08-09'
__updated__ = '2018-02-14'

[docs] def get_data(fn): """Get data from an StL file :param str fn: filename :return: a `generator` of meshes; each mesh is a `tuple` of a name, a `dict` of vertices indexed by `vertex_id` and a `dict` of polygons referring to vertices by `vertex_id` :rtype: tuple """ from stl import mesh # stl_meshes = [mesh.Mesh.from_file(fn)] meshes = list() stl_meshes = mesh.Mesh.from_multi_file(fn) mesh_id = 0 for stl_mesh in stl_meshes: vertex_ids = _dict() polygons = _dict() vertex_id = 0 polygon_id = 0 for facet in stl_mesh.vectors: v0, v1, v2 = facet if tuple(v0) not in vertex_ids: vertex_ids[tuple(v0)] = vertex_id vertex_id += 1 if tuple(v1) not in vertex_ids: vertex_ids[tuple(v1)] = vertex_id vertex_id += 1 if tuple(v2) not in vertex_ids: vertex_ids[tuple(v2)] = vertex_id vertex_id += 1 polygons[polygon_id] = vertex_ids[tuple(v0)], vertex_ids[tuple(v1)], vertex_ids[tuple(v2)] polygon_id += 1 # we now need to reverse the vertex_ids dict vertices = _dict(zip(vertex_ids.values(), vertex_ids.keys())) name = "{}#{}".format(os.path.basename(fn), mesh_id) meshes.append((name, vertices, polygons)) return meshes
[docs] def compute_bounding_box(fn): """Compute the bounding box for an STL file Required to check that the transform has correctly aligned the segmentation with the image :param str fn: filename :return: a `list` of `tuple`s of the form `((x_min, y_min, z_min), (x_max, y_max, z_max))` :rtype: list """ from stl import mesh my_stl = mesh.Mesh.from_file(fn) bounds_min, bound_max = my_stl.min_, my_stl.max_ return list(zip(bounds_min, bound_max))