Source code for sfftk.readers.mapreader


Ad hoc reader for CCP4 masks

The following article is useful as it exposes many internals of map files:


import sys

import numpy
from sfftkrw.core import _xrange, _encode

__author__ = 'Paul K. Korir, PhD'
__email__ = ''
__date__ = '2016-07-05'

[docs] class Map(object): """Class to encapsulate a CCP4 mask""" def __init__(self, fn, header_only=False, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a Map object :param str fn: file name :param bool header_only: whether or not (default) to read the data """ self._fn = fn self._inverted = False with open(fn, 'rb') as f: status =, header_only=header_only) # 0 is good assert status == 0
[docs] def write(self, f): """Write data to an EMDB Map file :param file f: file object :return int status: 0 on success; fail otherwise """ import struct string = struct.pack('<iii', self._nc, self._nr, self._ns) string += struct.pack('<I', self._mode) string += struct.pack('<iii', self._ncstart, self._nrstart, self._nsstart) string += struct.pack('<iii', self._nx, self._ny, self._nz) string += struct.pack('<fff', self._x_length, self._y_length, self._z_length) string += struct.pack('<fff', self._alpha, self._beta, self._gamma) string += struct.pack('<iii', self._mapc, self._mapr, self._maps) string += struct.pack('<fff', self._amin, self._amax, self._amean) string += struct.pack('<iii', self._ispg, self._nsymbt, self._lskflg) string += struct.pack('<' + 'f' * (9), self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33) string += struct.pack('<fff', self._t1, self._t2, self._t3) string += struct.pack('<15i', *self._extra) # string += struct.pack('<4c', self._map) # convert to bytes string += _encode(self._map, 'utf-8') string += _encode(self._machst, 'utf-8') string += struct.pack('<f', self._rms) # if inverted we will add one more label if self._inverted: string += struct.pack('<i', self._nlabl + 1) else: string += struct.pack('<i', self._nlabl) for i in range(self._nlabl): len_label = len(self.__getattribute__('_label_%s' % i)) encoding = _encode(self.__getattribute__('_label_{}'.format(i)), 'utf-8') string += encoding # pack the remaining space string += struct.pack('<{}x'.format(80 - len_label)) if self._inverted: from datetime import datetime d = string += _encode("{:<56}{:>24}".format( "sfftk: inverted intensities", d.strftime("%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S ") ), 'utf-8') # pad up to full header of 1024 bytes try: assert 1024 - len(string) >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError("Header is too long") string += struct.pack( '<' + str(1024 - len(string)) + 'x') # dodgy line because we may need to move one byte forward or back string += struct.pack('<' + self._voxel_type * self._voxel_count, *tuple(self._voxels)) f.write(string) f.flush() return 0
[docs] def read(self, f, header_only=False): """Read data from an EMDB Map mask :param file f: file object :param bool header_only: only read the header [default: False] :return int status: 0 on success; fail otherwise """ import struct # source: # number of columns (fastest changing), rows, sections (slowest changing) self._nc, self._nr, self._ns = struct.unpack('<iii', # voxel datatype self._mode = struct.unpack('<I',[0] # position of first column, first row, and first section (voxel grid units) self._ncstart, self._nrstart, self._nsstart = struct.unpack('<iii', # intervals per unit cell repeat along X,Y Z self._nx, self._ny, self._nz = struct.unpack('<iii', # Unit Cell repeats along X, Y, Z In Ångstroms self._x_length, self._y_length, self._z_length = struct.unpack('<fff', # Unit Cell angles (degrees) self._alpha, self._beta, self._gamma = struct.unpack('<fff', # relationship of X,Y,Z axes to columns, rows, sections self._mapc, self._mapr, self._maps = struct.unpack('<iii', # Minimum, maximum, average density self._amin, self._amax, self._amean = struct.unpack('<fff', # space group # # number of bytes in symmetry table (multiple of 80) # flag for skew matrix self._ispg, self._nsymbt, self._lskflg = struct.unpack('<iii', # skew matrix-S11, S12, S13, S21, S22, S23, S31, S32, S33 self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33 = struct.unpack( '<' + 'f' * (9), * 4)) # skew translation-T1, T2, T3 self._t1, self._t2, self._t3 = struct.unpack('<fff', # user-defined metadata self._extra = struct.unpack('<15i', * 4)) # MRC/CCP4 MAP format identifier self._map = struct.unpack('<4s',[0].decode('utf-8') # machine stamp self._machst = struct.unpack('<4s',[0].decode('utf-8') # Density root-mean-square deviation self._rms = struct.unpack('<f',[0] # number of labels self._nlabl = struct.unpack('<i',[0] # Up to 10 user-defined labels for i in range(int(self._nlabl)): self.__setattr__( '_label_{}'.format(i), struct.unpack('<80s',[0].decode('utf-8').rstrip(' ') ) # jump to the beginning of data if f.tell() <= 1024: else: raise ValueError("Current byte position in file (%s) is past end of header (1024)" % f.tell()) if self._mode == 0: self._voxel_type = 'b' self._voxel_size = 1 elif self._mode == 1: self._voxel_type = 'h' self._voxel_size = 2 elif self._mode == 2: self._voxel_type = 'f' self._voxel_size = 4 elif self._mode == 3: raise ValueError("No support for complex signed integer Fourier maps") elif self._mode == 4: raise ValueError("No support for complex floating point Fourier maps") # exit here for header only read if header_only: self._voxel_values = set() self._voxel_array = None return 0 # import math self._voxel_count = self._nc * self._nr * self._ns self._voxels = struct.unpack('<' + self._voxel_type * self._voxel_count, * self._voxel_size)) self._voxel_values = set(self._voxels) import numpy if self._voxel_type == 'b': data_type = numpy.int8 elif self._voxel_type == 'h': data_type = numpy.int16 elif self._voxel_type == 'f': data_type = numpy.float32 self._voxel_array = numpy.array(self._voxels, dtype=data_type) self._voxel_array.shape = self._ns, self._nr, self._nc # we are done reading; let's make sure we are at the end current_position = f.tell() # where are we in the file from os import SEEK_END, SEEK_END) final_position = f.tell() # where the end really is # ensure we are the end if current_position != final_position: raise ValueError("There is still some data (%s bytes) to read: current_position = %s; end_position = %s" % ( final_position - current_position, current_position, final_position)) return 0
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): string = """\ \rCols, rows, sections: \r {0}, {1}, {2} \rMode: {3} \rStart col, row, sections: \r {4}, {5}, {6} \rX, Y, Z: \r {7}, {8}, {9} \rLengths X, Y, Z (ångström): \r {10}, {11}, {12} \r\U000003b1, \U000003b2, \U000003b3: \r {13}, {14}, {15} \rMap cols, rows, sections: \r {16}, {17}, {18} \rDensity min, max, mean: \r {19}, {20}, {21} \rSpace group: {22} \rBytes in symmetry table: {23} \rSkew matrix flag: {24} \rSkew matrix: \r {25} {26} {27} \r {28} {29} {30} \r {31} {32} {33} \rSkew translation: \r {34} \r {35} \r {36} \rExtra: {37} \rMap: {38} \rMach-stamp: {39} \rRMS: {40} \rLabel count: {41} \r""".format( self._nc, self._nr, self._ns, self._mode, self._ncstart, self._nrstart, self._nsstart, self._nx, self._ny, self._nz, self._x_length, self._y_length, self._z_length, self._alpha, self._beta, self._gamma, self._mapc, self._mapr, self._maps, self._amin, self._amax, self._amean, self._ispg, self._nsymbt, self._lskflg, self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33, self._t1, self._t2, self._t3, self._extra, self._map, self._machst, self._rms, self._nlabl ) if int(self._nlabl) > 0: for i in _xrange(int(self._nlabl)): string += """\ \rLabel {0}:\ \r {1} \r""".format(i, self.__getattribute__('_label_%s' % i)) return string else: def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): string = """\ \rCols, rows, sections: \r {0}, {1}, {2} \rMode: {3} \rStart col, row, sections: \r {4}, {5}, {6} \rX, Y, Z: \r {7}, {8}, {9} \rLengths X, Y, Z (ångström): \r {10}, {11}, {12} \r\U000003b1, \U000003b2, \U000003b3: \r {13}, {14}, {15} \rMap cols, rows, sections: \r {16}, {17}, {18} \rDensity min, max, mean: \r {19}, {20}, {21} \rSpace group: {22} \rBytes in symmetry table: {23} \rSkew matrix flag: {24} \rSkew matrix: \r {25} {26} {27} \r {28} {29} {30} \r {31} {32} {33} \rSkew translation: \r {34} \r {35} \r {36} \rExtra: {37} \rMap: {38} \rMach-stamp: {39} \rRMS: {40} \rLabel count: {41} \r""".format( self._nc, self._nr, self._ns, self._mode, self._ncstart, self._nrstart, self._nsstart, self._nx, self._ny, self._nz, self._x_length, self._y_length, self._z_length, self._alpha, self._beta, self._gamma, self._mapc, self._mapr, self._maps, self._amin, self._amax, self._amean, self._ispg, self._nsymbt, self._lskflg, self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33, self._t1, self._t2, self._t3, self._extra, self._map, self._machst, self._rms, self._nlabl ) if int(self._nlabl) > 0: for i in _xrange(int(self._nlabl)): string += """\ \rLabel {0}:\ \r {1} \r""".format(i, self.__getattribute__('_label_%s' % i)) return string def __repr__(self): return "<class '%s'>" % self.__class__ @property def voxels(self): """The voxel mask""" return self._voxel_array @property def is_mask(self): """Determine if this is a mask or not :return bool status: mask or not """ if len(self._voxel_values) == 2 and 0.0 in self._voxel_values: return True else: return False
[docs] def fix_mask(self, mask_value=1.0, voxel_values_threshold=3): """Try to fix this mask A mask should have only two voxel values: some non-zero value (usually 1) and zero (0) for masked-out regions. Sometimes the process of manipulating the mask (e.g. volume rotation) relies on interpolation, which converts a mask to have more than two voxel values. This function attempts to fix that provided that the number of voxel values is not greater than `voxel_value_threshold`. :param float mask_value: the mask value :param int voxel_values_threshold: the maxmimum number of voxel values permitted in fixing the mask """ assert voxel_values_threshold > 2 # no need to fix a proper mask (value of 2) # round values import numpy self._voxel_array = numpy.around(self._voxel_array, decimals=1) self._voxel_values = set(self._voxel_array.flatten().tolist()) if len(self._voxel_values) > voxel_values_threshold: raise ValueError("Unfixable mask: too many values ({0:,}) > {1}!".format(len(self._voxel_values), voxel_values_threshold)) else: for value in self._voxel_values: if value != 0.0: # only modify masked regions self._voxel_array = (self._voxel_array == value) * mask_value # reset voxel_values list self._voxel_values = set(self._voxel_array.flatten().tolist())
[docs] def invert(self): """Invert the map file (mask or not)""" x_prime = (self._voxel_array - self._amin) / (self._amax - self._amin) # self._voxel_array = 1 - x_prime self._voxel_array = self._amin + (1 - x_prime) * (self._amax - self._amin) # # self._voxel_array = self._amax + self._amin - self._amin = self._voxel_array.min() self._amax = self._voxel_array.max() self._amean = self._voxel_array.mean() self._voxels = self._voxel_array.flatten().tolist() self._inverted = True
@property def labels(self): """A string of labels found in the CCP4 mask file""" label_list = list() for i in _xrange(self._nlabl): label_list.append(getattr(self, "_label_{}".format(i))) return "\n".join(label_list) @property def skew_matrix_data(self): """Skew matrix data as a space-separated string""" return " ".join(map(repr, [ self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33, ]) ) @property def skew_matrix(self): """Skew matrix as a numpy array""" return numpy.array([ self._s11, self._s12, self._s13, self._s21, self._s22, self._s23, self._s31, self._s32, self._s33, ]).reshape(3, 3) @property def skew_translation_data(self): """Skew translation as a space-separated string""" return " ".join(map(repr, [self._t1, self._t2, self._t3])) @property def skew_translation(self): """Skew translation as a numpy array""" return numpy.array([self._t1, self._t2, self._t3]).reshape(3, 1) @property def ijk_to_xyz_transform_data(self): x_size = self._x_length / self._nc y_size = self._y_length / self._nr z_size = self._z_length / self._ns return " ".join(map(repr, [ x_size, 0., 0., self._ncstart * self._x_length / self._nc, 0., y_size, 0., self._nrstart * self._y_length / self._nr, 0., 0., z_size, self._nsstart * self._z_length / self._ns, ])) @property def ijk_to_xyz_transform(self): x_size = self._x_length / self._nc y_size = self._y_length / self._nr z_size = self._z_length / self._ns return numpy.array([ x_size, 0., 0., self._ncstart * self._x_length / self._nc, 0., y_size, 0., self._nrstart * self._y_length / self._nr, 0., 0., z_size, self._nsstart * self._z_length / self._ns, ]).reshape(3, 4)
[docs] def get_data(fn, inverted=False, *args, **kwargs): """Get structured data from EMDB Map file :param str fn: map filename :param bool inverted: should we invert the histogram or not (default)? :return: map object :rtype: :py:class:`sfftk.readers.mapreader.Map` """ my_map = Map(fn, *args, **kwargs) if inverted: my_map.invert() return my_map
[docs] def compute_transform(fn, header_only=True): """Compute the transform that connects the image to physical space :param str fn: map filename :param bool header_only: only read the header if `True` :return: a 3x4 transformation matrix :rtype: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` """ my_map = Map(fn, header_only=header_only) transform = numpy.zeros((3, 4)) s_x = my_map._x_length / my_map._nc s_y = my_map._y_length / my_map._nr s_z = my_map._z_length / my_map._ns t_x = my_map._ncstart * s_x t_y = my_map._nrstart * s_y t_z = my_map._nsstart * s_z transform[0, 0] = s_x transform[1, 1] = s_y transform[2, 2] = s_z transform[0, 3] = t_x transform[1, 3] = t_y transform[2, 3] = t_z return transform