Source code for sfftk.notes.find


Search for terms and display ontologies
import math
import numbers
import sys
import textwrap
import urllib.parse

import requests
from sfftkrw.core import utils, _str, _xrange
from sfftkrw.core.print_tools import print_date

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    from shutil import get_terminal_size

    _get_terminal_size = get_terminal_size
    from backports.shutil_get_terminal_size import get_terminal_size

    _get_terminal_size = get_terminal_size

from styled import Styled

from . import RESOURCE_LIST

__author__ = "Paul K. Korir, PhD"
__email__ = ","
__date__ = "2017-04-07"
__updated__ = '2018-02-14'

# todo: expand OLS options to below

# type
# Restrict a search to an entity type, one of {class,property,individual,ontology}
# slim
# Restrict a search to an particular set of slims by name
# fieldList
# Specifcy the fields to return, the defaults are {iri,label,short_form,short_form,ontology_name,ontology_prefix,
# description,type}
# queryFields
# Specifcy the fields to query, the defaults are {label, synonym, description, short_form, short_form, annotations,
# logical_description, iri}
# groupField
# Set to true to group results by unique id (IRI)
# local
# Set to true to only return terms that are in a defining ontology e.g. Only return matches to gene ontology terms in
# the gene ontology, and exclude ontologies where those terms are also referenced
# childrenOf
# You can restrict a search to children of a given term. Supply a list of IRI for the terms that you want to search
# under
# allChildrenOf
# You can restrict a search to all children of a given term. Supply a list of IRI for the terms that you want to search
# under (subclassOf/is-a plus any hierarchical/transitive properties like 'part of' or 'develops from')

# todo: Retrieve an ontology GET /api/ontologies/{ontology_id}

JUSTIFY = ['left', 'right', 'center']

[docs] class SearchResource(object): """A resource against which to look for accessions or terms""" def __init__(self, args, configs): self._args = args self._configs = configs self._response = None self._resource = RESOURCE_LIST[args.resource] @property def search_args(self): return self._args @property def configs(self): return self._configs @property def name(self): return self._resource['name'] @property def root_url(self): return self._resource['root_url'] @property def format(self): return self._resource['format'] @property def result_path(self): return self._resource['result_path'] @property def result_count(self): return self._resource['result_count'] @property def response(self): return self._response
[docs] def get_url(self): """Determine the url to search against""" url = None # ols if == 'OLS': if self.search_args.list_ontologies or self.search_args.short_list_ontologies: url = self.root_url + "ontologies?size=1000" else: url = self.root_url + "search?q={}&start={}&rows={}&local=true".format( self.search_args.search_term, self.search_args.start - 1, self.search_args.rows, ) if self.search_args.ontology: url += "&ontology={}".format(self.search_args.ontology) if self.search_args.exact: url += "&exact=on" if self.search_args.obsoletes: url += "&obsoletes=on" # go elif == 'GO': url = self.root_url + "search?q={}&start={}&rows={}&ontology=go".format( self.search_args.search_term, self.search_args.start - 1, self.search_args.rows, ) if self.search_args.exact: url += "&exact=on" if self.search_args.obsoletes: url += "&obsoletes=on" # emdb elif == 'EMDB': search_term = self.search_args.search_term search_string = urllib.parse.quote( f"title:{search_term} OR " f"go_name:{search_term} OR " f"sample_name:{search_term}", safe='/:' ) url = f"{self.root_url}{search_string}?rows={self.search_args.rows}" # uniprot elif == "UniProt": url = self.root_url + ( "?query={search_term}&format=tsv&size={rows}&fields=accession,id," "protein_name,organism_name" ).format( search_term=self.search_args.search_term, rows=self.search_args.rows, ) # pdb elif == "PDB": url = self.root_url + ( "?q={search_term}&wt=json&fl=pdb_id,title,organism_scientific_name&start={start}&" "rows={rows}" ).format( search_term=self.search_args.search_term, start=self.search_args.start, rows=self.search_args.rows, ) # europepmc elif == "Europe PMC": url = self.root_url + ( "search?query={search_term}&resultType=lite&cursorMark=*&pageSize={rows}&format=json" ).format( search_term=self.search_args.search_term, rows=self.search_args.rows, ) # EMPIAR elif == "EMPIAR": search_term = self.search_args.search_term search_string = urllib.parse.quote( f"title:{search_term} OR " f"structure_determination_method:{search_term} OR " f"sample_type:{search_term} OR " f"sample_name:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_organism:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_strain_organism:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_organ:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_tissue:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_cell:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_organelle:{search_term} OR " f"natural_source_cellular_location:{search_term} OR " f"virus_serotype_organism:{search_term} OR " f"virus_category:{search_term} OR " f"virus_isolate:{search_term} OR " f"structure_type:{search_term} OR " f"buffer_component_name:{search_term} OR " f"staining_material:{search_term} OR " f"pretreatment_type:{search_term} OR " f"vitrification_cryogen_name:{search_term} OR " f"microscope_name:{search_term} OR " f"image_set_name:{search_term}", safe='/:' ) url = self.root_url + f"{search_string}?rows={self.search_args.rows}" return url
[docs] def search(self, *args, **kwargs): """Perform a search against this resource""" url = self.get_url() if url is not None: # make the search R = requests.get(url) if R.status_code == 200: self._response = R.text return SearchResults(self, *args, **kwargs) else: print_date("Error: server responded with {}".format(R.text)) return None else: print_date('Error: url is None') return None
def _unicode(self): return Styled( """Search Resource: \rname:\t\t[[ '{name}'|fg-yellow:bold ]] \rroot_url:\t[[ '{root_url}'|fg-yellow:bold ]] \rsearch_url:\t[[ '{search_url}'|fg-yellow:bold ]] \rformat:\t\t[[ '{format}'|fg-yellow:bold ]] \rresult_path:\t[[ '{result_path}'|fg-yellow:bold ]] \rresult_count:\t[[ '{result_count}'|fg-yellow:bold ]]""", search_url=self.get_url(), **self._resource ) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): string = self._unicode() return str(string) else: def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): string = self._unicode() return _str(string)
[docs] class TableField(object): """Class definition for a TableField - single column in a table""" def __init__(self, name, key=None, text=None, width=20, pc=None, justify='left', _format=None, is_index=False, is_iterable=False, position_in_iterable=0): """A single field (column) in a table :param str name: the name of the field that will appear in header; can be any object that implements __str__ :param str key: the key to use to extract the value for the field; if this is not defined then the value of name is used instead :param str text: a substitute for key; fixed text to appear in this field for all rows :param int width: a positive integer for the width of this field :param float pc: percentage width of the terminal occupied by this field :param str justify: 'left' (default), 'right' or 'center'; how to align text in the field :param str _format: a format string with one pair of empty braces to construct a string for each row :param bool is_index: if true then this field will be an index (numeric value) for the row :param bool is_iterable: if true then the value obtained using key will be from a list and position_in_iterable index will be retrieved from the iterable :param int position_in_iterable: if is_iterable is true then the value for this field will be retrieved from the specified index in the iterable value """ # check mutex nature of key and text try: assert key is None or text is None except AssertionError: raise ValueError('key and text are mutually exclusive; only define one or none of them') try: assert isinstance(key, (list, tuple, set)) and len(key) > 1 and all( map(lambda k: isinstance(k, str), key)) or key is None or isinstance(key, str) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('if key is a sequence (list, tuple, set) then it must have two or more strings') # check valid type for width try: assert isinstance(width, numbers.Integral) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('field width must be int or long') # check valid value for width try: assert width > 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('field width must be greater than 0') # ensure pc is valid type try: assert isinstance(pc, numbers.Integral) or isinstance(pc, float) or pc is None except AssertionError: raise ValueError('invalid type for pc (percentage): {}'.format(type(pc))) # ensure pc is a valid value try: if pc is not None: assert 0 < pc < 100 else: assert True except AssertionError: raise ValueError('invalid value for pc (percentage): {}'.format(pc)) # check valid values for justify try: assert justify in JUSTIFY except AssertionError: raise ValueError("invalid value for kwarg justify: {}; should be {}".format( justify, ', '.join(JUSTIFY), )) # check valid value for _format try: assert _format is None or _format.find("{}") >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "invalid value for _format: {}; it should be either None or have one and only one pair of braces".format( _format, )) # check valid type for position_in_iterable try: assert isinstance(position_in_iterable, int) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('field position_in_iterable must be int') # check valid value for position_in_iterable try: assert position_in_iterable >= 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError('field position_in_iterable must be greater or equal than 0') self._name = str(name) if key is None and text is None: self._key = name else: self._key = key self._text = text self._width = width self._pc = pc self._format = _format self._justify = justify self._is_index = is_index self._is_iterable = is_iterable self._position_in_iterable = position_in_iterable
[docs] def justify(self, text): """Justify the given text :param str text: the text to justify """ if self._justify == 'left': return text.ljust(self._width) elif self._justify == 'right': return text.rjust(self._width) elif self._justify == 'center': return
if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): return self.justify(self._name) else: def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): return self.justify(self._name) @property def is_index(self): """Is this field an index (numbered) field?""" return self._is_index @property def width(self): """The width of the field in characters""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width): try: assert isinstance(width, int) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('width must be an int') self._width = width @property def pc(self): """The width of the field in percent; resolves to a character width""" return self._pc
[docs] def render(self, row_data, index): """Render this field""" text = '' if self.is_index: text = _str(index) elif self._key is not None: if isinstance(self._key, (list, tuple, set)): # if we have a path try: item = row_data for key in self._key: # for each key item = item[key] except KeyError: text = '-' else: if self._is_iterable: text = item[self._position_in_iterable] else: text = item elif isinstance(self._key, str): # if we have a key try: item = row_data[self._key] except KeyError: text = '-' else: if self._is_iterable: if item: text = item[self._position_in_iterable] else: text = '-' else: text = item elif self._text is not None: text = self._text # format if self._format is not None: wrapped_text = textwrap.wrap(self._format.format(text), self._width) else: wrapped_text = textwrap.wrap(text, self._width) if not wrapped_text: # empty list for empty string return [self.justify('')] else: return list(map(self.justify, wrapped_text))
[docs] class Table(object): """Table superclass""" column_separator = " | " row_separator = "\n"
[docs] class TableRow(Table): """Class definition for a single row in the table Wrapping is automatically handled """ def __init__(self, row_data, fields, index, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a ``TableRow`` object :param row_data: the data for the different fields in the row :param fields: an iterable of :py:class:`TableField` objects :param index: the index for this row; externally resolved henced passed an an init var """ super(TableRow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._row_data = row_data self._fields = fields self._index = index self._rendered = self._render() def _render(self): rendered = list() for field in self._fields: rendered.append(field.render(self._row_data, self._index)) return rendered def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): string = '' # get the max number of lines in this row no_lines = 0 for f in self._rendered: no_lines = max(len(list(f)), no_lines) # build the stack of lines for this row for i in _xrange(no_lines): row = list() for j, F in enumerate(self._fields): try: field = self._rendered[j][i] except IndexError: field = F.justify('') row.append(field) # don't add an extra row separator to the last line if i == no_lines - 1: string += self.column_separator.join(row) else: string += self.column_separator.join(row) + self.row_separator return string
[docs] class CSVRow(Table): """Class definition for a single row in the table""" column_separator = "\t" def __init__(self, row_data, fields, index, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._row_data = row_data self._fields = fields self._index = index self._rendered = self._render() def _render(self): """We undo the wrapping here""" rendered = list() for field in self._fields: rendered_field = field.render(self._row_data, self._index) stripped_rendered_field = list(map(lambda f: f.strip(), rendered_field)) # we will strip all leading and trailing whitespace and join all wrapped lines if str(field).strip() in ['description', 'label', 'description (title)']: # the description needs spaces rendered.append(' '.join(stripped_rendered_field).strip()) else: rendered.append(''.join(stripped_rendered_field)) return rendered def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): return self.column_separator.join(self._rendered).strip('\n')
[docs] class ResultsTable(Table): """Class that formats search results as a table""" def __init__(self, search_results, fields, width='auto', *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a ResultsTable object by specifying results and fields :param search_results: a SearchResults object :type search_results: SearchResults :param list fields: a list of TableField objects :param int width: a non-negative integer """ # check the type of search_results try: assert isinstance(search_results, SearchResults) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('search_results must be a SearchResults object') # ensure that we have at least one field try: assert fields # nice! an empty list asserts to False except AssertionError: raise ValueError('fields kwarg should not be empty') # ensure that the fields kwarg is populated with TableField objects try: assert all(map(lambda f: isinstance(f, TableField), fields)) except AssertionError: raise ValueError('non-TableField object in iterable fields') # check valid type for width try: assert isinstance(width, numbers.Integral) or width == 'auto' # assert isinstance(width, int) or isinstance(width, long) or width == 'auto' except AssertionError: raise ValueError("field width must be instance of int or long or the string 'auto'") # check valid value for width if isinstance(width, _str): try: assert width == 'auto' except AssertionError: raise ValueError("field width must be greater than 0 or the string 'auto'") elif isinstance(width, numbers.Integral): try: assert width > 0 except AssertionError: raise ValueError("field width must be greater than 0 or the string 'auto'") # only one index field per table try: assert len(list(filter(lambda f: f.is_index, fields))) <= 1 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( 'there is more than one field with is_index=True set; only one index field per table supported') super(ResultsTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._search_results = search_results if width == 'auto': terminal_size = _get_terminal_size() # fallback values if terminal_size.columns > 0: self._width = terminal_size.columns else: self._width = 80 else: self._width = width self._fields = self._evaluate_widths(fields) # ensure width is less than the sum of fields total_width = sum([f.width for f in fields]) try: assert total_width < self._width except AssertionError: print_date( 'total field widths greater than table width; ' 'distortion will occur: table width={}; total field width={}'.format( self._width, total_width, )) def _evaluate_widths(self, fields): """Convert percentage widths into fixed widths :param list fields: list of TableField objects :return list _fields: list of TableField objects """ _fields = list() # we calculate the field's width by taking into account the column separator inter_column_distance = len(fields) * len(self.column_separator) # subtract the inter-column distance from the screen width reduced_width = self._width - inter_column_distance for field in fields: if field.pc is not None: # the field's width is now... field.width = int(math.floor(reduced_width * field.pc / 100)) _fields.append(field) return _fields @property def header(self): header = Styled("[[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]") header += "=" * self._width + self.row_separator header += "Search term: [[ '{}'|fg-yellow:bold ]]{}{}".format( self._search_results.search_args.search_term, self.row_separator, self.row_separator, ) header += Styled("[[ ''|fg-yellow:bold:no-end ]]") header += self.column_separator.join(list(map(lambda f: _str(f)[:f.width], self._fields))) + self.row_separator header += Styled("[[ ''|reset ]][[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]") header += "=" * self._width + self.row_separator header += Styled("[[ ''|reset ]]") return header @property def body(self): index = self._search_results.search_args.start # index if self._search_results.results is not None: body = Styled("[[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]") for row_data in self._search_results.results: body += _str(TableRow(row_data, self._fields, index)) + self.row_separator body += "-" * self._width + self.row_separator index += 1 # increment index body += Styled("[[ ''|reset ]]") else: body = '\nNo data found at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.'.center( self._width) + self.row_separator body += self.row_separator body += "-" * self._width + self.row_separator return body @property def footer(self): if len(self._search_results): footer = 'Showing: {} to {} of {} results found'.format( self._search_results.search_args.start, min(len(self._search_results), self._search_results.search_args.start + self._search_results.search_args.rows - 1), len(self._search_results), ) else: footer = "Showing {} results per page".format( self._search_results.search_args.rows, ) return footer def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): string = "" string += self.header string += self.body string += self.footer return _str(string)
[docs] class CSVTable(Table): """Class that formats search results as a CSV""" column_separator = "\t" def __init__(self, search_results, fields, width='auto', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._search_results = search_results self._fields = fields @property def header(self): header = "" if self._search_results.search_args.no_header: return header field_names = list(map(lambda f: str(f).strip(), self._fields)) header += self.column_separator.join(field_names) + self.row_separator return header @property def body(self): index = self._search_results.search_args.start if self._search_results.results is not None: body = "" for row_data in self._search_results.results: # if the user is using --filter-rows then only include rows with the specified indexes if self._search_results.search_args.filter_rows: if str(index) in self._search_results.search_args.filter_rows: row_string = str(CSVRow(row_data, self._fields, index)) + self.row_separator body += row_string index += 1 continue index += 1 else: # otherwise display all rows row_string = str(CSVRow(row_data, self._fields, index)) + self.row_separator body += row_string index += 1 else: body = '\nNo data found at this time. Please try again in a few minutes.'.center( self._width) + self.row_separator body += self.row_separator body += "-" * self._width + self.row_separator return body.strip('\n') @property def footer(self): return "" def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): string = "" string += self.header string += self.body string += self.footer return _str(string)
[docs] class SearchResults(object): """SearchResults class""" _width = 180 # unreasonable default INDEX_WIDTH = 6 LABEL_WIDTH = 20 SHORT_FORM_WIDTH = 20 ONTOLOGY_NAME_WIDTH = 15 DESCRIPTION_WIDTH = 80 TYPE_WIDTH = 18 def __init__(self, resource, as_text=False): self._resource = resource # the resource that was searched self._raw_response = resource.response self._structured_response = self._structure_response() terminal_size = _get_terminal_size() # fallback values if terminal_size.columns > 0: self._width = terminal_size.columns else: self._width = self._width self.as_text = as_text @property def structured_response(self): return self._structured_response def _structure_response(self): """Structure the raw result according to the format received""" if self._resource.format == 'json': import json try: structured_results = json.loads(self._raw_response) except ValueError: print_date("Unable to search at this time. Please try after a few minutes.") structured_results = None return structured_results elif self._resource.format == 'tsv': try: # split rows; split columns; dump first and last rows _structured_results = list(map(lambda r: r.split('\t'), self._raw_response.split('\n')))[1:-1] # make a list of dicts with the given ids structured_results = list(map(lambda r: dict(zip(['id', 'name', 'proteins', 'organism'], r)), _structured_results)) except ValueError: structured_results = None return structured_results else: print_date("unsupported format: {}".format(self._resource.format)) return None @property def search_args(self): return self._resource.search_args @property def results(self): if self.structured_response is not None: if self._resource.result_path is not None: return utils.get_path(self.structured_response, self._resource.result_path) return self.structured_response def __bytes__(self): return self.__str__().encode('utf-8') def __str__(self): return self.tabulate(as_text=self.as_text)
[docs] def tabulate(self, as_text=False): """Tabulate the search results""" table = Styled("[[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]") # "" if == 'OLS': # only list ontologies as short or long lists if self.search_args.list_ontologies or self.search_args.short_list_ontologies: if self.search_args.list_ontologies: table += "\n" + "-" * self._width + "\n" for ontology in utils.get_path(self.structured_response, ['_embedded', 'ontologies']): c = ontology['config'] table += "\n" ont = [ "Namespace: ".ljust(30) + "[[ '{}'|bold ]][[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]".format( _str(c['namespace'])), "Pref. prefix: ".ljust(30) + _str(c['preferredPrefix']), "Title: ".ljust(30) + _str(c['title']), "Description: ".ljust(30) + _str(c['description']), "Homepage: ".ljust(30) + _str(c['homepage']), "ID: ".ljust(30) + _str(c['id']), "Version :".ljust(30) + _str(c['version']), ] table += "\n".join(ont) table += "\n" + "-" * self._width elif self.search_args.short_list_ontologies: table += "List of ontologies\n" table += "\n" + "-" * self._width + "\n" for ontology in utils.get_path(self.structured_response, ['_embedded', 'ontologies']): c = ontology['config'] ont = [ "[[ '{}'|fg-yellow:bold ]][[ ''|fg-yellow:no-end ]]".format( _str(c['namespace']).ljust(10)), "-", _str(c['description'][:200]) if c['description'] else '' + "...", ] table += "\t".join(ont) + "\n" # list search results else: fields = [ TableField('index', key='index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', key='label', pc=10), TableField('resource', key='ontology_name', pc=5, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='iri', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='short_form', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('description', key='description', pc=40, is_iterable=True), ] if as_text: # exclude colour decoration table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == 'GO': fields = [ TableField('index', key='index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', key='label', pc=10), TableField('resource', key='ontology_name', pc=5, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='iri', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='short_form', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('description', key='description', pc=40, is_iterable=True), ] if as_text: table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == 'EMDB': fields = [ TableField('index', key='index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', text=self._resource.search_args.search_term, pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('resource', text='EMDB', pc=5, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='emdb_id', _format='{}', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='emdb_id', pc=10, _format='{}', justify='center'), TableField('description', key=['admin', 'title'], pc=40), ] if as_text: table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == "UniProt": fields = [ TableField('index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', key='name', pc=10), TableField('resource', text='UniProt', pc=5, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='id', _format='{}', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='id', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('description', key='proteins', pc=40), # TableField('organism', key='organism', width=40), ] table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == "PDB": fields = [ TableField('index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', text=self._resource.search_args.search_term, pc=10), TableField('resource', text='PDB', pc=5, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='pdb_id', _format='{}', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='pdb_id', pc=10, justify='center'), # TableField('title', key='organism_scientific_name', pc=20, is_iterable=True), TableField('description', key='title', pc=40), ] if as_text: table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == 'Europe PMC': fields = [ TableField('index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label (authors)', key='authorString', pc=20), TableField('resource', text='Europe PMC', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='id', _format='{}', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='id', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('description (title)', key='title', pc=25), # TableField('iri (doi)', key='doi', _format='{}', pc=30) ] if as_text: table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) elif == 'EMPIAR': fields = [ TableField('index', pc=5, is_index=True, justify='right'), TableField('label', text=self._resource.search_args.search_term, pc=10), TableField('resource', text='EMPIAR', pc=8, justify='center'), TableField('url', key='empiarid', _format='{}', pc=30), TableField('accession', key='empiarid', pc=10, justify='center'), TableField('description', key='title', pc=33), ] # EMPIAR search results are returned as a list of objects with accession->metadata # therefore, we need to embed the accession into the metadata structured_response = list() for empiar_accession in self.structured_response: self.structured_response[empiar_accession]['empiarid'] = empiar_accession structured_response.append(self.structured_response[empiar_accession]) self._structured_response = structured_response if as_text: table = str(CSVTable(self, fields=fields)) else: table += _str(ResultsTable(self, fields=fields)) # close style if as_text: return table table += Styled("[[ ''|reset ]]") return _str(table)
def __len__(self): if self.structured_response is not None: if self._resource.result_count is not None: return utils.get_path(self._structured_response, self._resource.result_count) return 0