Source code for sfftk.formats.mod


User-facing reader classes for IMOD files

import inspect

import numpy
import sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1 as schema
from sfftkrw.core import _UserList, _dict_iter_values, _str

from .base import Segmentation, Header, Annotation
from ..readers import modreader

__author__ = "Paul K. Korir, PhD"
__email__ = ","
__date__ = "2016-09-28"

[docs] class IMODMesh(object): """Mesh class""" def __init__(self, imod_mesh): self._mesh = imod_mesh # dictionary of indices to vertices # the type is the value first value # -25: only surface vertex ids provided; normal vertex ids implied from surface vertices # actual: s00, s01, s02, s11, s12, s20, s21, s22, ... # -23: both surface and normal vertex ids provided # actual: n00, s00, n01, s01, n02, s02, n10, s10, n11, s11, n12, s12, ... # -21: only surface vertex ids provided _id_type = self._mesh.list[0] if _id_type == -25: # remove negative values _triangles = list(filter(lambda i: i >= 0, self._mesh.list)) surface_vertices = self._mesh.vert[::2] normal_vertices = self._mesh.vert[1::2] # divide by 2 because indices now point every second self._triangles = numpy.array(_triangles).reshape(len(_triangles) // 3, 3) // 2 self._surface_vertices = numpy.array(surface_vertices) self._normal_vertices = numpy.array(normal_vertices) elif _id_type == -23: # we have both surface and normal indices mixed_indices = list(filter(lambda i: i >= 0, self._mesh.list)) # every other second one is a surface vertex id _triangles = mixed_indices[1::2] surface_vertices = self._mesh.vert[::2] normal_vertices = self._mesh.vert[1::2] self._triangles = numpy.array(_triangles).reshape(len(_triangles) // 3, 3) // 2 self._surface_vertices = numpy.array(surface_vertices) self._normal_vertices = numpy.array(normal_vertices) elif _id_type == -21: _triangles = list(filter(lambda i: i >= 0, self._mesh.list)) self._triangles = numpy.array(_triangles).reshape(len(_triangles) // 3, 3) surface_vertices = self._mesh.vert[::2] self._surface_vertices = numpy.array(surface_vertices) self._normal_vertices = numpy.array([]) def is_empty(self): if == 0: return True return False @property def vertices(self): """The surface vertices defining this mesh's geometry""" return self._surface_vertices @property def normals(self): """The normal vertices defining surface smoothness for shading""" return self._normal_vertices @property def polygons(self): """The polygons constituting this mesh""" return self._triangles @property def triangles(self): """Polygons are triangles""" return self._triangles
[docs] def convert(self, **kwargs): """Convert this to an EMDB-SFF object""" mesh = schema.SFFMesh( vertices=schema.SFFVertices.from_array(self.vertices), normals=schema.SFFNormals.from_array(self.normals), triangles=schema.SFFTriangles.from_array(self.triangles) ) return mesh
[docs] class IMODMeshes(_UserList): """Container class for IMOD meshes""" def __init__(self, header, imod_meshes, args=None, *_args, **_kwargs): super(IMODMeshes, self).__init__(*_args, **_kwargs) self._header = header self._meshes = self._configure(imod_meshes) @staticmethod def _configure(imod_meshes, include_empty=False): """Exclude any meshes that have no vertices""" return list(_dict_iter_values(imod_meshes)) # if include_empty: # return [mesh for mesh in _dict_iter_values(imod_meshes) if mesh.vsize > 0] def __iter__(self): return iter(map(IMODMesh, self._meshes)) def __getitem__(self, index): return IMODMesh(self._meshes[index]) def __len__(self): return len(self._meshes)
[docs] def convert(self, **kwargs): """Convert the set of meshes for this segment into a container of mesh objects""" mesh_list = schema.SFFMeshList() for mesh in self: if mesh.is_empty(): continue mesh_list.append(mesh.convert(**kwargs)) return mesh_list
[docs] class IMODEllipsoid(object): """Class definition fo an ellipsoid shape primitive""" def __init__(self, radius, x, y, z): self._radius = radius self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z @property def radius(self): """Ellipsoid radius""" return self._radius @property def transform(self): """A (3,4) transformation matrix that locates the shape in the space from the origin""" return numpy.matrix('[1 0 0 {}; 0 1 0 {}; 0 0 1 {}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.z))
[docs] def convert(self): """Convert to :py:class:`sfftkrw.SFFEllipsoid` object""" # shape ellipsoid = schema.SFFEllipsoid( x=self.radius, y=self.radius, z=self.radius ) # transform transform = schema.SFFTransformationMatrix( rows=3, cols=4, data=" ".join(map(repr, self.transform.flatten().tolist()[0])) ) ellipsoid.transform_id = return ellipsoid, transform
[docs] class IMODShapes(_UserList): """Container class for shapes""" def __init__(self, header, objt, *args, **kwargs): super(IMODShapes, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._header = header self._objt = objt self._shapes = self._configure() def __getitem__(self, index): return self._shapes[index] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._shapes) def _configure(self): shapes = list() if self._objt.pdrawsize > 0: radius = self._objt.pdrawsize for contour in _dict_iter_values(self._objt.conts): for x, y, z in shapes.append(IMODEllipsoid(radius, x, y, z)) return shapes
[docs] def convert(self): """Convert to :py:class:`sfftkrw.SFFShapePrimitiveList` object""" shapes = schema.SFFShapePrimitiveList() transforms = list() for s in self: shape, transform = s.convert() shapes.append(shape) transforms.append(transform) return shapes, transforms
[docs] class IMODAnnotation(Annotation): """Annotation class""" def __init__(self, header, objt): self._header, self._objt = header, objt for attr in dir(self._objt): if attr[:2] == "__": continue if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self._objt, attr)): continue setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._objt, attr)) @property def description(self): """Segment description""" return @property def colour(self): """Segment colour""" return,,
[docs] def convert(self): """Convert to :py:class:`sfftkrw.SFFBiologicalAnnotation` object""" # annotation annotation = schema.SFFBiologicalAnnotation() =' ') annotation.description = self.description.strip(' ') annotation.number_of_instances = 1 # colour colour = schema.SFFRGBA(,,, ) return annotation, colour
""" :TODO: add methods to modify the content """
[docs] class IMODHeader(Header): """Class definition for the header in an IMOD segmentation file""" def __init__(self, segmentation): self._segmentation = segmentation for attr in dir(self._segmentation): if attr[:2] == "__": continue if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self._segmentation, attr)): continue setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._segmentation, attr))
[docs] def convert(self, **kwargs): """Convert to an EMDB-SFF segmentation header object Currently not implemented """ pass
[docs] class IMODSegment(object): """Segment class""" def __init__(self, header, objt): self._header = header self._objt = objt for attr in dir(objt): if attr[:2] == "__": continue if inspect.ismethod(getattr(objt, attr)): continue setattr(self, 'mod_' + attr, getattr(objt, attr)) def is_empty(self): if self.meshes or self.shapes: return False return True @property def annotation(self): """The annotation for this segment""" return IMODAnnotation(self._header, self._objt) @property def meshes(self): """The meshes in this segment""" return IMODMeshes(self._header, self._objt.meshes) @property def shapes(self): """The shapes in this segment""" if self._objt.pdrawsize > 0: return IMODShapes(self._header, self._objt) else: return []
[docs] def convert(self): """Convert to :py:class:`sfftkrw.SFFSegment` object""" segment = schema.SFFSegment() transforms = list() # text segment.biological_annotation, segment.colour = self.annotation.convert() # geometry if self.shapes: segment.shape_primitive_list, transforms = self.shapes.convert() # meshes if self.meshes: segment.mesh_list = self.meshes.convert() return segment, transforms
[docs] class IMODSegmentation(Segmentation): """Class representing an IMOD segmentation .. code-block:: python from sfftk.formats.mod import IMODSegmentation mod_seg = IMODSegmentation('file.mod') """ def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the IMODReader :param str fn: name of Segger file """ self._fn = fn self._segmentation = modreader.get_data(self._fn) self._header = IMODHeader(self._segmentation) self._segments = list() for objt in _dict_iter_values(self._segmentation.objts): segment = IMODSegment(self._header, objt) self._segments.append(segment) def __str__(self): return _str(self._segmentation) @property def has_mesh_or_shapes(self): """Check whether the segmentation has meshes or shapes If it only has contours this property is False Do not convert segmentations that only have contours """ status = False for segment in self.segments: if segment.meshes or segment.shapes: status = True break else: pass return status @property def header(self): """Header in segmentation""" return self._header @property def segments(self): """Segments in segmentation""" return self._segments
[docs] def convert(self, name=None, software_version=None, processing_details=None, details=None, verbose=False, transform=None): """Method to convert an IMOD file to a :py:class:`sfftkrw.SFFSegmentation` object :param str name: optional name of the segmentation used in <name/> :param str software_version: optional software version for Amira use in <software><version/></software> :param str processing_details: optional processings used in Amira used in <software><processingDetails/></software> :param str details: optional details associated with this segmentation used in <details/> :param bool verbose: option to determine whether conversion should be verbose :param transform: a 3x4 numpy.ndarray for the image-to-physical space transform :type transform: `numpy.ndarray` """ segmentation = schema.SFFSegmentation() = name if name is not None else' ') # software segmentation.software_list = schema.SFFSoftwareList() segmentation.software_list.append( schema.SFFSoftware( name="IMOD", version=software_version if software_version is not None else self.header.version, processing_details=processing_details ) ) # transforms segmentation.transform_list = schema.SFFTransformList() if transform is not None: segmentation.transform_list.append( schema.SFFTransformationMatrix.from_array(transform) ) else: segmentation.transform_list.append( schema.SFFTransformationMatrix.from_array(self._segmentation.ijk_to_xyz_transform) ) segmentation.bounding_box = schema.SFFBoundingBox( xmax=self.header.x_length, ymax=self.header.y_length, zmax=self.header.z_length, ) segments = schema.SFFSegmentList() transforms = list() no_meshes = 0 for s in self.segments: if s.is_empty(): continue segment, _transforms = s.convert() if s.meshes: # is not None: # if len(s.meshes) > 0: no_meshes += 1 transforms += _transforms segments.append(segment) # # if we have additional transforms from shapes if transforms: _ = [segmentation.transform_list.append(T) for T in transforms] # # finally pack everything together segmentation.segment_list = segments # now is the right time to set the primary descriptor attribute segmentation.primary_descriptor = "mesh_list" # details segmentation.details = details return segmentation