Source code for sfftk.core.configs


This module defines classes and functions to correctly process persistent
configurations. Please see the :doc:`guide to miscellaneous operations <misc>`
for a complete description of working with configs.
import os
import shutil
import sys

from sfftkrw.core.print_tools import print_date

from .. import BASE_DIR

__author__ = 'Paul K. Korir, PhD'
__email__ = ','
__date__ = '2016-08-23'
__updated__ = '2018-02-27'

[docs] class Configs(dict): """Class defining configs Configurations are stored in a subclass of :py:class:`OrderedDict` (normal :py:class:`dict` for Python 3.7+) with appended methods for reading (:py:meth:``), writing (:py:meth:`.Configs.write`) and clearing (:py:meth:`.Configs.clear`) configs. Printing an object of this class displays all configs. This class is used an argument to :py:func:`.configs.load_configs`. """ shipped_configs = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'sff.conf') def __init__(self, config_fn, *args, **kwargs): self.config_fn = config_fn super(Configs, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear configs""" items_to_clear = [item for item in self] for item in items_to_clear: del self[item]
[docs] def read(self): """Read configs from file""" with open(self.config_fn, 'r') as f: for row in f: if row[0] == '#': # comments continue if row.strip() == '': # blank lines continue name, value = row.strip().split('=') self[name.strip()] = value.strip()
[docs] def write(self): """Write configs to file""" # you can't write to shipped configs if self.config_fn == self.shipped_configs: print_date("Unable to set configs to shipped configs.") print_date("Please do not save configs into shipped configs. Use user or custom config files.") return 1 with open(self.config_fn, 'w') as f: for name, value in self.items(): f.write('{}={}\n'.format(name, value)) return 0
def __str__(self): string = "" for name, value in self.items(): string += "{:<20} = {:<20}\n".format(name, value) return string[:-1]
[docs] def get_config_file_path(args, user_folder='~/.sfftk', user_conf_fn='sff.conf', config_class=Configs): """A function that returns the right config path to use depending on the command specified The user may specify .. code-block:: bash sff <cmd> [<sub_cmd>] [--shipped-configs|--config-path] [args...]` and we have to decide which configs to use. Example: - View the notes in the file. If user configs are available use them otherwise use shipped configs .. code-block:: bash sff notes list file.json - View the notes in the file but ONLY use shipped configs. .. code-block:: bash sff notes list --shipped-configs file.json - View the notes in the file but ONLY use custom configs at path .. code-block:: bash sff notes list --config-path /path/to/sff.conf file.json - Get available configs. First check for user configs and fall back on shipped configs .. code-block:: bash sff config get --all - Get configs from the path .. code-block:: bash sff config get --config-path /path/to/sff.conf --all # ignore shipped still! sff config get --config-path /path/to/sff.conf --shipped-configs --all - Get shipped configs even if user configs exist .. code-block:: bash sff config get --shipped-configs --all - Set configs to user configs. If user configs don't exist copy shipped and add the new config. .. code-block:: bash sff config set NAME VALUE - Set configs to config path. Ignore user and shipped configs .. code-block:: bash sff config set --config-path /path/to/sff.conf NAME VALUE - Fail! Shipped configs are read-only .. code-block:: bash sff config set --shipped-configs NAME VALUE :param args: :param user_folder: :param user_conf_fn: :return: """ shipped_configs = config_class.shipped_configs user_configs = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(user_folder, user_conf_fn)) config_file_path = None if args.subcommand == 'config': # read-only: get if args.config_subcommand == 'get': if args.config_path is not None: config_file_path = args.config_path elif args.shipped_configs: config_file_path = shipped_configs elif os.path.exists(user_configs): config_file_path = user_configs else: config_file_path = shipped_configs # read-write: set, del else: if args.config_path is not None: config_file_path = args.config_path elif args.shipped_configs: config_file_path = None elif os.path.exists(user_configs): config_file_path = user_configs elif not os.path.exists(user_configs): if args.verbose: print_date("User configs not found") try: # make the dir if it doesn't exist os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(user_configs)) except OSError: pass # copy the shipped configs to user configs if args.verbose: print_date("Copying shipped configs to user configs...") shutil.copy(config_class.shipped_configs, user_configs) config_file_path = user_configs else: if args.config_path is not None: config_file_path = args.config_path elif args.shipped_configs: config_file_path = config_class.shipped_configs elif os.path.exists(user_configs): config_file_path = user_configs else: config_file_path = config_class.shipped_configs return config_file_path
[docs] def load_configs(config_file_path, config_class=Configs): """Load configs from the given file :param str config_file_path: a path to a file with configs :param class config_class: the config class; default: Configs :return configs: the configs :rtype configs: Configs """ configs = config_class(config_file_path) return configs
[docs] def get_configs(args, configs): """Get the value of the named config :param args: parsed arguments :type args: `argparse.Namespace` :param dict configs: configuration options :return status: status :rtype status: int """ if args.all: print_date("Listing all {} configs...".format(len(configs))) # view the config object # fixme: use print_date print(configs, file=sys.stderr) else: print_date("Getting config {}...".format( # obtain the named config try: config = configs[] except KeyError: print_date("No config with name {}".format( return 1 # view the config # fixme: use print_date print(config) return 0
[docs] def set_configs(args, configs): """Set the config of the given name to have the given value :param args: parsed arguments :type args: `argparse.Namespace` :param dict configs: configuration options :return status: status :rtype status: int """ print_date("Setting config {} to value {}...".format(, args.value)) # add the new config configs[] = args.value if args.verbose: # fixme: use print_date print(configs) # save the configs return configs.write()
[docs] def del_configs(args, configs): """Delete the named config :param args: parsed arguments :type args: :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` :param dict configs: configuration options :return status: status :rtype status: int """ if args.all: print_date("Deleting all {} configs...".format(len(configs))) # empty all values configs.clear() else: # del the named config print_date("Deleting config {} having value {}...".format(, configs[])) try: del configs[] except KeyError: print_date("No config with name {}".format( return 65 if args.verbose: # fixme: use print_date print(configs) # save the config return configs.write()